YAY. Now there are TWO CREATURES to torment me!

Published May 3, 2014 by hairballexpress


Meet Kade…..

The brand new bouncing bundle of kat trouble who was born to this family of insane humans this morning at 10:08 a. m.

He looks awfully peaceful fur someone who was just born to a family of NUTS!

That was all these morons talked about all day! *(tail flap)*

“OH, he’s so precious!”


I bolted under the bed as soon as I heard he was coming! I was SO UPSET! I mean, DUDE!  WHAT’S a self-respecting kat supposed to do?

They say he won’t be able to chase me, or play with my food, or steal my mice, or polish my claws, or pull my tail, or dress me in doll clothes,  or put me in the washing machine- but I’m not so sure….

After all, they said that about the CREATURE too!

I figure I’m gonna play it safe and disappear before he gets a chance to get his hot little paws on me!

Honestly…. I don’t see why all the humans are so flippin EXCITED and happy!!

Of course, it COULD BE because they AREN’T small, portable furballs who CAN’T yell fur help…..

57 comments on “YAY. Now there are TWO CREATURES to torment me!

  • Awww… what a little cutie-pie!! And he looks so INNOCENT! One could never tell from his appearance how DANGEROUS those CREATURES become once they learn how to walk… Poor Shrimp! Our hearts go out to you… *(sigh)*

    Purrs and tunas and dragonflies and 5 big fat whales and a truckload full of catnip and a new Teddy bear and extra cuddles to you, sweetie! 🙂
    Roxy & Tigerlino ❤ ❤ ❤

    P.S. Shrimp, please DON't read any further… (*ducking heads*)

    To Shrimp's humans:

    Congratulations!! The little baby boy is super cute! 🙂 And Kade is a very beautiful name. Lots of love and all the best for the little one! May his life be filled with love, laughter, happiness and joy! ❤ But pssst… don't tell Shrimp we said that, okay? 😉
    xoxo Roxy & Tigerlino ❤ ❤ ❤


  • Aaaaw so sowwy fuw yous havvin’ tu hide out. May be ifin yous cozy up tu it while is tu yung tu get at ya’ den when it gets biggew hims will purrtect yous fwum uddew cweatuwes. Just a fawt. And conCats tu yous hoomans.

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



  • My humans are going aww look at that adorable baby, and i am sorry but i am grateful it is not another creature here cause we have enough.


  • Congratulations! He’s absolutely beautiful. I have a feeling the two of you might just end up being best buddies Big hugs Julia & Oscar ❤


  • This is your elected Purrime Ministerettes of Planet Purrth serving all anipals except snakies.

    We concattulate hoomans and creature.

    We has never meeted such creature before! He indeed looking very peesful. We was wondering if he can serving us great white sharkie when mom and dad not home.

    I, Purrime Ministerette Jaya, certainly could use great white sharkie on daily basis. But Shiva aka Obeshiva no can has. She is on a diet because of her fat obese obesiticity!

    I, Purrime Ministerette Shiva, wanna telling all I NOT obese. Vet says I just a little bit fluffly and need diet. I just a whole lot of Shiva. And creature is whole lot of creature!


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