The kats of NA (Nip Anonymous)

Published July 1, 2014 by hairballexpress

I have no idea why everyone assumes we kats are addicted to Katnip….






Of course, it could be that the confessions have something to do with it….





*(I don’t do those things) *……      *(purrs)*

41 comments on “The kats of NA (Nip Anonymous)

  • Bwahahahhahahh the last one is classic….must be on the nip…my girls want nothing more of a poo once it has left the mother ship..unlike the dogs who think Cat Truffles are the haute cuisine of the canine world….hugs and loves and thanks for the giggles Shrimp Fozziemum xx


  • I swear the Kat in “I had a one night stand” looks like Toonce! You Kats love Katnip… Do you see the colors? Wow the colors!


      • Oh does it ever!!! Shrimp, you’ve noticed, but of course you have, you are KAT! There is such heaviness and anyone who is “sensitive” feels it. I used to laugh every day, but lately, um no. You are a treasure, even if you do eat my flowers. You I keep in my Heart!!!! Love, Mom BonZo


      • Life has its ups and downs. Rusty sure packed a BIG punch out of me. Whew! SO glad that is over. He is still healing but his fur is now growing back on that paw! PAWSOME!!!!! xx


      • Thank you, Shrimp! I am SOOOOOOO relieved and finally coming out of the state of total exhaustion!!! “Lay people” do NOT have the knowledge hubs and I do. IF it were not for Homeopathy and its proper way to use it, Rusty would have had to have his leg amputated. Every time I hear him run and play, my Heart just jumps for JOY JOY JOY!!! *tears* Bless you for caring!!! (((HUGS) you adorable KAT! Love, Mom BonZo


      • Well of course I care! My human and I get heartbroken when something pawful happens to a kat…. We always purrs fur animals that are suffering or sick… So happy for you and your hubby and Kitties!


      • I DO LOVE YOU! So many turn the other way when troubles happen. Not you though. YOU give ME hope for this world. And I mean that! (((HUGS))) Amy


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