The humans and I are SO Flippin HISSED!๐Ÿ˜พ

Published July 22, 2015 by hairballexpress

I usually want my posts to bring a smile to everyone who reads them, but today I have to get something off my furry little chest! ๐Ÿ˜พ

Today the Creature’s Mom took Serafina to the vet to find out why she was constantly searching fur food, even minutes after being fed her wet food – even though her kibble dish was full –


Well, it turns out that Serafina isn’t purregnant (they were starting to wonder)- but the reason has to do with something that happened to her BEFORE she was taken to the Humane Society – and we are all HISSING MAD!

This is Serafina today at the vets’ office… 


We found out the reason she wasn’t eating her dry food, was because she has broken teeth still from the “owners” who had her before and had left her at the Humane Society – 

They had told the Creature’s parents when they adopted Serafina that she had been there and been returned before and that she’d “had to have some of her teeth removed….”

But today the vet says Serafina still has a couple of broken teeth, and that she has a (healed) laceration in her tongue, and that her eye socket had been broken (and is swollen)!๐Ÿ˜ฟ

These are old injuries she had before being adopted by the Creature’s parents – and she appurently wasn’t able to eat the kibble without pain, so she just tried not to eat it! 

The thing is, the vet said “…Someone had to have hit her in the face with something really hard to have done all that damage -” the teeth that had been removed had been shattered, the tongue lacerated, and the eye socket broken!

The humans and I are heartbroken that our little purrincess has been abused – how can anyone look at that little face and purrposely hurt her?

And, they’re upset because the vet said she may also have an infection in her lower lung – because when she plays (and runs), she pants like a dog!

Please purray fur our Serafina baby – We just want to shower her with love – (which we did before) – but  especially now, knowing what she’s been through!

She deserves the very best – and while we are so thankful that God brought her to us, we are so angry that she was deliberately harmed before!

This is the new kibble the vet recommended fur her today….

This is the back of the bag….


And Serafina can EAT IT!! ๐Ÿ˜บ SHE DOVE INTO IT IMMEDIATELY AND GOBBLED IT RIGHT UP! The pieces are very small and thinner than a treat – so she can eat it just fine! And the vet said to give her more wet food – 

We are so glad she’s home where she belongs now and where NO ONE CAN EVER HURT HER AGAIN! ๐Ÿ’š

75 comments on “The humans and I are SO Flippin HISSED!๐Ÿ˜พ

  • My heart breaks for sweet Sera and my heart celebrates of her because she is with your family where she will be taken care of, get healthy, and be loved. Prayers her way and tons of good vibes ad healing energy. Ali says kitty purveyers.

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  • I am so sorry, when we rescued our cat Bella I did not see her at the rescue centre she would not come out I just put my hand in the pod and felt a bag of bones and just reserved her straight away. Then we could not have her when planned as it turned out she had, had kittens but they were taken away too early and she was still full of milk. Then when we took her home she was doing a funny clacking noise and we took her and she had to have all her teeth removed as all her roots were exposed from her not being fed the correct foods. The poor baby we were told must of been abused a lot. But like Bella your fur baby has a new family now who will take the proper care and give lots of love x x x

    Liked by 2 people

  • Oh it sounds like Serafina had a very bad and sad “before”…..but now she’s in the loving home she deserved to have all along. Poor little thing – so happy the vet visit was done and you all found these things out – now she will be happier and certainly be able to eat better AND feel better. We hope she doesn’t have a lung infection too.

    Hugs, Sammy

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  • OH MY KATS! We’re so sorry to hear this! This is just awful! We don’t understand how anyone could hurt the little sweetheart! What a despicable thing to do! We’re so upset about it! We had tears in our eyes reading it. It’s so sad. ๐Ÿ˜น Thank KATS Serafina found such a lovely forever home! Bless you and your humans and the CREATURE’s parents for having a heart of gold! ๐Ÿ˜บ xx Roxy & Tigerlino โค

    Liked by 1 person

  • Sat here shaking my head in horror. People are EVIL sometimes!!! She is one lucky lady, who has the best parents ever YOU. I am not surprised you are angry, really. This is upsetting BUT now your family has Serafina and most importantly she has you. She is safe, well fed and SHE HAS YOU.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Oh No!!!!! Weez so very sowry dat this happened to her. Dat makes us very angwy too. Weez sendin’ lots of purrayers and luv and hugs fur hers. Weez know yous all will make hers all better and give hers da good life fwum now on. Purrlease hug hers fwum us and mommy.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

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  • Shrimp, I cried when I read this. I am so sorry Serafina had to endure this cruelty. I praise God that she has you and the humans to love her into healing and a prosperous life. The past is done with only GOODNESS to come! ๐Ÿ™‚ โค


  • I’m so glad Serafina found a loving home. BTW, our cats will only eat Orijin. Once they tasted it, they won’t even look at another food. It’s wonderful! I’m so glad that she found y’all!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh thank you! She is the sweetest kat the humans have ever seen -(next to cute little me, of course)! ๐Ÿ˜บ

      Yes – we noticed Serafina dug right into that food -it must be purrty tasty – the human doesn’t know it yet, but she’s going to buy me some!
      *searching fur humans’ debit card*

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  • OH I AM SO MAD SO FLIPPIN MAD!!!! People are so cruel to animals. I am SOOOOO sorry,, Serafina has suffered at the hands of criminals! My Bella was like that only she was kicked in the stomach and she was bleeding internally. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And please feed Serafina canned food!!! EVO is one of the best and I promise she will LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!! Chicken flavor!!!!!! (((HUGS))) Mom BonZo >3

    Liked by 1 person

      • Tell your human, Shrimp, to stay away from the news. It is a deliberate ploy to get humans into fear. I keep saying it is like putting a bullet to your head every time one watches the news. I DETEST it. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

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      • And oh, as far as the creepy neighbor goes, tell your human to say (in a nice way!) that she does NOT want to hear what this person has to say. Shrimp, lately my um mouth has gotten a life of its own and when I do not want something in my personal space, I say so. I am so done with the fear and the ploys to get you to quake in your shoes. I’m going back to my world of flowers today to bring into my Soul, freshness and renewal and Love and Peace. Sunshine and flowers. Once I get all the mediciations done, and the morning chores done …. I am outside. I am not going to be on WP officially yet to blog. Just too much has happened, and I need to fill ME up. Send your human LOVE from me, and Serafina too! With LOVE Serafina will heal. And with LOTS of good nutrition as well. Has your human checked out the Life Gold yet? Yes I am nosey! (((HUGS))) MB โค

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      • She has told him that -REPEATEDLY! And he just responds “Oh I know!” And goes right back to what he was saying – and when she tries to change the subject, he brings it right back to yet another terror attack he heard about, or school shooting or murder! That’s when she thinks of sone urgent thing she has to tend to immediately! ๐Ÿ˜น I’m telling you she “has food burning on the stove ” constantly!!! MWAHAHAHA!๐Ÿ˜น

        And yes, she has not only checked it out, but she told the Creature’s Mom about you and your story and how you saved Rocky’s leg, and about Life gold and they are getting some fur Serafina!๐Ÿ˜บ

        The Creature’s Mom and Dad think you are pawsome!!๐Ÿ’—

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      • MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Burning food!!! Now that is a GOOD one!!! Oh did I EVER need a good laugh! Thank you, Shrimp!
        I don’t watch news but hubby does and I am constantly “nagging” him (his word) to PALEEZE shut it off. Just the TONE is horrible. I run as far away as possible, usually to my bed and there make sure I have classical music playing and a good book waiting for me. He is lowering the volume SO I am hoping soon it will be off period. News is a slow death diving straight into fear.
        GRRRRRRR on that neighbor ….. Gee, I have some like that come to think of it. Bad news bears … that is ALL they ever talk about ….
        The Life Gold will help, Shrimp. I promise. I know the reviews say it is for cancer BUT being the health professional I am, I KNOW that the immune system is the number one defense against disease and it helps HEAL the body. A healthy immune system means HEALTH. That is why I give it to my cats. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ โค
        I just want to see Serafina healthy, happy and all those bad memories gone. I've often said IF I ever find out who hurt Bella, Samson wouldn't be able to hold me back to go for the jugular. I know that is not the um "christian" way, but don't mess with Mamma Bear (which I am). I'm sure now the Creature's parents feel almost the same way as me. โค

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  • I know I read this REALLY late, but unfortunately I’ve met so many cats that were mistreated by previous owners! I have a friend who adopted a cat, Tin-Tin. His previous owners had him declawed and kicked out of the house. Since he didn’t have his front claws, he couldn’t hunt, and he was so thin when my friend found him in her backyard and nursed him back to health. Even though she’s allergic to cats, she couldn’t bear to part with Tin-Tin, so she adopted him. They have a happy home together, but I still hate to think that other cats have suffered in even worse ways. Hope Serafina has gotten better or will, if she hasn’t already.

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    • Oh poor Tin Tin!๐Ÿ˜ฟ The humans and I HATE people that hurt animals!

      Serafina had been mistreated where she was before the Humane Society – but since the Creature’s Mom & Daddy adopted her she has been spoiled rotten! She stole everyone’s heart and she is the Queen of the house!๐Ÿ˜บ


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