Creature Feature: OH MY FLEAS!

Published October 13, 2015 by hairballexpress

Anybody out there know how a kat can get a flight to the moon? If you do, help me out fur kats’ sake!

I’m about to be invaded by CREATURES! 

See – here’s the purroof! 

 Creature #1 katnapping poor little Serafina before school this morning!πŸ™€  

Time to leave fur school, but still hanging on…. *shakes head*
 See how happy she is (while poor Serafina is recovering from the shock)? 

And, here’s a picture she drew of Serafina!  And, as if that’s not bad enough, there’s CREATURE #2! Just look at that grin – those TEETH! πŸ™€ *darts under bed, tucking tail in* The humans just adore those little hurricaines- but I don’t plan on having my ears pulled and barrettes put on my tail anytime soon – SEE YA!

           * climbs inside box spring*

40 comments on “Creature Feature: OH MY FLEAS!

  • Good luck, sweetie. You wouldn’t think that female miniature human would need to snuggle you. It looks as if she is wearing a cat for a coat. MOL. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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  • Oh My KATS!!!!!!!!!! What PAWFUL news! πŸ™€πŸ™€ Thank kats we’ve just won a free ticket to the moon in the “Rocket Science Contest for Kitties”!! What a happy coincidence, huh? πŸ˜‰ Here you go, sweetie! πŸš€We hope it will reach you in time to make an escape…

    Love ya! ❀
    xx your furiends, Roxy & TIgerlino

    PEEEEEEEEEEE ESSSSSSSSSS: Why do CREATURES look so cute???? It's just not fair!!!!!!! Kats should be the only ones allowed to look cute… (*tail flap*)

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