Blest Sunday (Shrimp style)

Published November 9, 2014 by hairballexpress

My furiends, Desi and Lexi have asked me to join them today in posting my blessings as part of “Blest Sunday.”

The idea is fur all us kats (and maybe our humans too) to cultivate a “Cattitude of Gratitude, dude”- by taking time to count our blessings.


Well, it’s easy to complain, because we kats (and even humans) love to Hiss- and that comes so naturally to us that sometimes we have to make an extra effort to remember the things that make us happy instead. So here’s a few of my blessings;

1.) The Creature goes home every day


2.) Creature #2 lives a few states away and doesn’t have any teeth or claws yet.


3.) They finally took that ridiculous clown outfit off me.


4.) The Kat gods love me.


5.) I have tons of ribbons and lace to play with


6.) I get to sleep in the best spot of the humans’ king sized bed- sure hope they can sleep on that floor!


Have a Pawsome blessed day! 😸

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