Things my Mama kat taught me

Published May 22, 2014 by hairballexpress


1.) Never stick your head in the Kleenex box. Mice don’t go in there anyway no matter what the dog says.


2.) Sometimes the humans will desert you in the name of “vacation”. When they do, never let them furget it.


3.) Instead of going to all the work of catching fish, curl up in a box, and have an accomplice mail you to the nearest tuna cannery.


4.) if the humans repeatedly sleep in and refuse to get up and feed you, remember the Liberty bell is more than just a monument.


5.) The humans don’t like to share their Pizza, so wait til they turn around to pay the delivery guy then jump up and lay on the box to “keep it warm” fur them. This is especially effective if you can also manage to squeeze a paw into the Pizza itself.


6.) The humans will get upset if you lay on their laptop keyboards, so lay on the screen instead.


7.) If the humans cherish their books, determine which one is their favorite or most expensive one, and be sure to read it to let them know you approve of their taste. Be sure to leave a hairball somewhere in the book so they can’t miss the fact that you read it.


8.) Always be on the wrong side of the door!


9.) Always guard the food! This is too important to leave to the dogs.


10.) No matter WHAT they tell you…
Never trust the dog!

✦photos from Pinterest✦

34 comments on “Things my Mama kat taught me

  • Your Mama Kat is a very wise cat lady! She taught you ALL THE THINGS you need to know about kitty life… and about how to handle the “competion” (aka the dogs 😉 ) MOL 😆 Mind if we copy those precious advices and hang them up on the fridge??? So we know how to handle the humans!? 😉 Purrs, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤ ❤


  • Vewy cute. Meez dusn’t hav tu sit on da pizza box cuz mommy givs us pizza anyime hers can buy it. Wees luv da pizza. As fuw da ‘putew, wees don’t sit on it at all. Deys don’t make a scween big nuff fuw ow big hiney bows. MOL

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



      • OMC meez so sowwy. In modewatiion almost all da ‘gwedients awe okay. Da cheese is fine and most kittys du luv tomatoes. and wees like da peppewonis. So mommy lets uus hav a little bit at a time, and hambuwgew is fine. Da cwusty bwead pawt again in modewation is okay fuw us tu. But ifin yous hav a medical condition den it mite not be okay. So long as kitty is healffy, den a little pizza won’t huwt at all. No onions or chunks of gawlic tho’. But da little bit of gawlic in da sauce is so minute dat it won;t huwt youss. Maybe da nez time yous mite get a little bite. 🙂

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



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